Nearly four in five homes have asphalt shingle roofing. Why? Asphalt shingles are widely available and very affordable for most homeowners. Additionally, unlike other roofing materials, such as cedar shakes, they don’t require significant maintenance.
Occasionally, shingles will become dirty over time due to dust, algae, and debris collecting on the surface. When that happens, cleaning is necessary to restore the roof’s appearance and ensure its optimal performance.
As a homeowner needing to clean your roof, you may have asked yourself, “Can I pressure wash my asphalt shingle roof?”
5 Reasons To Avoid Pressure Washing An Asphalt Shingle Roof
Before pulling out your pressure washer to scrub the dirt from your roof, consider the following reasons to pursue a different path:
1. Asphalt Shingle Granules Can Shed
Every shingle contains thousands of granules designed to reflect the sun’s rays away from the roofing surface. Without these granules, heat will penetrate the roofing surface much more quickly, rapidly increasing the temperature of a home’s interior. Pressure washing shingles will strip granules due to the excess force applied. A professional roof cleaner will have the appropriate tools to avoid this adverse outcome.
2. High Pressure Can Alter Your Roof’s Color
Discoloration of a roofing surface makes it unattractive, reducing its curb appeal. Pressure washing a roof also causes it to lose its color consistency and aesthetic. Knowledgeable roof cleaners do not recommend pressure washing an asphalt shingle roof if the homeowner has any concerns about its appearance. Once a shingle’s color becomes altered, restoring it to its original shade can be next to impossible.
3. Pressure Washing May Damage Sublayers
High pressure can irreversibly damage your roofing system. Your roof is much more than the surface asphalt shingles. Several sublayers exist, including the underlayment and decking. These materials cannot afford to experience extreme stress or moisture penetration. Otherwise, they will no longer perform optimally. Most dirt and debris can be cleaned from the roof surface without resorting to a high-pressure system.
4. You Risk Voiding The Manufacturer’s Warranty
Roofing experts will tell you that pressure washing your roof cancels the manufacturer’s warranty. The consensus is that this measure causes much more harm than good. The excess force applied to the roof leads to new problems that undermine its performance. Manufacturers expect the homeowner to act responsibly in the care and upkeep of their roofing system, including mindful cleaning efforts.
5. A Do-It-Yourself Cleaning Is Not Safe For You
Annually, thousands of homeowners suffer horrible falls off roofs. Many incur serious injuries. Others die. Even with safety equipment, you likely don’t have the knowledge and experience to minimize the possibility of a slip-and-fall accident. Generally, pressure washing a roof requires the homeowner to climb a ladder and traverse the roofing surface. Leave this to a trained roofing professional.
The Benefit Of Hiring A Professional Roof Cleaner
What options does an Indianapolis homeowner have when it comes to roof cleaning? Involving a trained and certified roof cleaning service provider ensures that the roof is cleaned properly without causing harm. The professional has the scrubbing tools and safety equipment to clean the roof responsibly. Moss Roofing provides this valuable service.
Contact us today to schedule your next roof cleaning appointment.