What Does HardieWrap Weather Barrier Do For Your Home?

What Does HardieWrap Weather Barrier Do For Your Home?

Change can be exciting, like when you arrange for new siding on your Indianapolis-area home. But, change can be confusing, like hearing about HardieWrap Weather Barrier. What is it? Why do you need HardieWrap Weather Barrier? 

Wrap It

Homebuilders today routinely wrap a protective barrier film or paper around the exterior sheathing of new construction. This energy-efficient material is like a thin blanket for your home and cuts down on air movement and moisture infiltration from outside to inside your home. It keeps wall elements snug and dry. It also helps retain your home’s treated air (whether cooled or heated) in all weather.

James Hardie actually makes two different Weather Barriers, with the HZ5 designated for northern tier states, including Indiana. Be sure your contractor installs the correct product since HZ10 is intended for hot and humid climates, not cold and wet ones. 

Save It

James Hardie, the same company providing rugged fiber cement siding products, makes HardieWrap Weather Barrier for new construction and remodeling. The 100-foot rolls come in two widths, 3 feet or 9 feet. The HardieWrap Weather Barrier will be applied directly to your home’s existing sheathing when you have new siding installed. 

You will probably notice your energy bills go down. The sad truth is not every Indiana home is energy efficient. Many houses have no vapor barrier, no added layer of energy efficiency beneath the siding. 

Once the HardieWrap Weather Barrier goes on, your house just might feel a bit cozier, less humid, and more pleasant. You also just might see noticeable drops in your fuel and electric bills. 

Keep It

How long can a vapor barrier or house wrap work? Some Indiana homes might still have old newspapers stuffed into the spaces between interior and exterior walls, with 100-year-old headlines. If cheap cellulose insulation survived, imagine how much longer a modern, synthetic material like HardieWrap Weather Barrier can last. 

HardieWrap Weather Barrier is a beefy 11 mils thick (just over 1/64th of an inch), is non-woven, and uses a MicroTech™ coating to resist water and allow moisture vapor to exit your home. HardieWrap Weather Barrier will perform for decades behind your new siding. Moss Roofing is your trusted roofing and siding contractor for Indianapolis-area homeowners. Please contact us today to be “in the know” about James Hardie fiber cement siding and accessories, including long-lasting HardieWrap Weather Barrier.

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