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Can Storms Rip Your Roof Off? What Homeowners Need to Know About Wind Damage

At Moss Roofing, we understand that Indianapolis is no stranger to harsh weather, including violent thunderstorms and heavy snowstorms. Many homeowners express concern over whether a roof can be uplifted from the home due to powerful winds. Could wind damage to a roof be severe enough to cause its separation? Air pressure differences affect whether a roof might blow off. More importantly, the chosen roofing material, the roof’s layout, and the home’s overall structural integrity may determine how likely wind would remove a roof.

Wind Damage To Roof: Risks

During intense storms, the air pressure outside your home can drop suddenly and significantly compared to the air pressure inside your home (and, equally as important, your attic). Consequently, your roof could separate from your home if prevailing winds are gusty enough and at an angle of force that strikes your home in the most vulnerable areas. The roof’s corners and eaves are particularly susceptible to uplift.

Most homes have asphalt shingles. However, if there is a significant risk of severe wind damage to your home, other heavier, more sturdy roofing materials, such as clay tiles or standing-seam metal panels, may be a better choice. A home’s structural capacity and integrity also impact the likelihood of roof removal. Deteriorating support beams, rafters, or decking/sheathing could make a roof more vulnerable to extraction.

Eliminating The Risk Of Wind Damage

Prevent wind damage from removing your roof by taking the following steps:

Install A More Wind-Resistant Roof Material

If your existing roof is near the end of its serviceable life, consider replacing it with a more robust and wind-resistant material, such as metal, clay, concrete, or slate. Although these alternatives may cost more than an asphalt shingle roof, they add durability and longevity.

Severe wind damage to a shingle roof, exposing wooden roof decking and structure with surrounding trees in the background.

Reinforce The Roof With Hurricane Straps

Hurricane straps (e.g., clips or ties) are metal brackets, manufactured from galvanized steel, that connect your roof trusses to the walls. This cost-effective measure provides a barrier against uplift due to powerful winds. A home with this feature is much less likely to lose the roof.

Retrofit Your Home With Additional Support

If you own a gable roof, strengthen it with additional bracing to the end walls. If your roof has loose or missing shingles or flashing, replace them. Likewise, if nails or fasteners are popping, renail or tighten them. Verify the home has sufficient roof ventilation and attic insulation.

Eliminating The Risk Of Wind Damage

Indianapolis homeowners can trust Moss Roofing to address their roofing needs, including reinforcement. We will inspect your roof to identify vulnerabilities and make recommendations to strengthen it against wind. Contact Moss Roofing today to schedule your free consultation.

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