Clear signs that my Indianapolis home siding is due for replacement

The siding on your home plays an important role in its appearance, while also protecting your home exterior and interior from damage. Although siding can last for a number of years, it eventually has to be replaced. Worn siding can lead to a higher risk of damage to your home on the outside and inside. Having faded, damaged, or worn siding also affects your home’s appearance.

Siding is a big investment for your home. Knowing when it’s time to get new siding helps ensure that your home stays well-protected from damage. What are the signs that siding needs replacement? If your siding has any of the following signs, it’s time to look into options for new siding.

Frequent Maintenance

Most types of siding need some maintenance done on a regular basis. However, siding that needs maintenance done frequently means it’s reaching the end of its lifespan. Keep in mind that if you haven’t had regular maintenance done on your siding, it’s more likely to wear out earlier than expected.

Bubbling or Blistering

Blistering or bubbling can make your siding look unsightly, while also indicating that it’s damaged. This type of damage can occur due to exposure to the sun or extreme heat over the years. Poor insulation in your home can also lead to bubbling or blistering. Although you might be able to have the affected pieces of siding replaced, extensive or widespread bubbling or blistering is a sign that it’s time to invest in new siding.

Warping, Cracking, or Buckling

Instead of bubbles and blisters, you might have cracked, warped, or buckled siding. This can happen due to moisture damage, heat exposure, pest damage, poor insulation, or weather conditions. Having warped, buckled, or cracked siding lowers your home’s curb appeal and leaves your home more vulnerable to leaks, pests, and other issues. If several areas of siding have this kind of damage, or if it’s widespread, you should look into getting new siding.

Missing or Loose Siding

Siding needs to fully cover the exterior walls of your home in order to protect it from pests, water, and other hazards. Severe weather, deterioration, and other problems can cause pieces of siding to become loose or fall off entirely. When this happens, your home has a higher risk of having pest problems and water damage. Replacing your siding entirely helps ensure that your home is protected from these types of damage.

Faded Appearance

Exposure to sunlight over the years can leave your siding with a faded appearance. Although this doesn’t indicate major damage, it’s a good idea to start exploring options for new siding. Faded siding can have a negative impact on your home’s appearance, while brand new siding can improve the way it looks and boost its curb appeal.

Wood Rot

When you have wood siding, rot can develop for different reasons. Exposure to water or some kinds of weather can cause wood siding to deteriorate. This leaves holes in your siding, which water and pests can enter. If you have wood siding with soft spots or visible signs of rot, it’s time to have it replaced with a durable type of siding.

Pest Problems

If you have siding that pests have made holes or other damage in, you should invest in new siding. Keep in mind that certain kinds of siding materials, such as fiber cement, are less appealing to pests and harder for them to get into.

Types of Siding

You don’t necessarily have to go with the same kind of siding that you currently have. Choosing a different siding material can give your home a new look. Whether you’re leaning toward choosing the same type of siding you have now or trying a different material, you’ll find a few options to consider.

Vinyl siding provides a highly durable and affordable siding option. This type of siding is available in a wide range of colors and styles, so you can enhance your home’s appearance. Vinyl siding is low-maintenance and lasts for many years as long as it’s properly installed.

Fiber cement siding offers another durable type of siding. This siding, made from cellulose wood fibers and cement, comes in multiple designs and colors. Fiber cement siding lasts for many years and is resistant to moisture damage, insect damage, and heat.

Other types of siding include wood and metal. However, wood is highly flammable and requires regular maintenance, while metal can be dented and make a lot of noise during rain or hail.

If you need new siding for your Indianapolis home, please contact Moss Roofing. Our experts can help you choose the best siding for your home. Our home siding professionals have been installing siding for homeowners in the area for more than 25 years.

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